Kujira Proposal 447
--- msg: voters: - addr: kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7 weight: 1 - addr: kujira1n9uxw8r2nnfcrwhwt5q3gu285ppgmansp3xngg weight: 1 - addr: kujira1nu9r7p6lpdkst0qhd3hak9zx7q04n8rtxlqf9y weight: 1 threshold: absolute_count: weight: 2 max_voting_period: time: 172800 "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.InstantiateContractProposal" admin: kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7 funds: [] label: MantaDAO Operational Fixed CW3 Multisig title: MantaDAO - Instantiate Fixed CW3 Operational Multisig Contract run_as: kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7 code_id: '139' description: This fixed multisig will act to store remaining treasury MNTA prior to its receipt by the DAO treasury and other necessary DAO Ops tasks
page last updated 2024-11-24 05:28:27 UTC