Kujira Proposal 350

No with Veto
msg: {}
"@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MigrateContractProposal"
title: 'ERIS: Upgrade ERIS Amplifier to 1.7.0-TF'
code_id: '107'
contract: kujira1n3fr5f56r2ce0s37wdvwrk98yhhq3unnxgcqus8nzsfxvllk0yxquurqty
description: 1. Support harvesting specific validators instead of all validators.
  This allows us to better distribute delegations and only harvest validators with
  enough rewards. 2. Support specifying a max amount for swap stages, so that not
  the full amount of tokens in the contract is swapped, but instead a slow DCA out
  of the token is possible. This can be required if liquidity is low or a big airdrop
  has been received.
page last updated 2024-09-08 00:56:25 UTC