Kujira Proposal 137
--- msg: threshold: absolute_count: weight: 3 group_addr: kujira12kzykh9luttkcswgn33j40uu3uz90ghxs87sj0mgay80kpdml8gqljrztk max_voting_period: time: 604800 "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.InstantiateContractProposal" admin: '' funds: [] label: local-admin-multisig title: Instantiate Local Money Admin Multisig. run_as: kujira1swkuyt08z74n5jl7zr6hx0ru5sa2yev5v896p6 code_id: '66' description: This will instantiate the Local Money Admin Multisig Contract (CW3). This multisig will manage the group and other contracts related to the Local Money protocol.
page last updated 2024-11-24 04:42:38 UTC