
pixeLion #710

prop Empty 1 of 1430 ≥ 40 LUNA
eyes None 1 of 3141 ≥ 35 LUNA
mane ShadowMane 1 of 1 ≥ 75 000 LUNA
face ShadowFace 1 of 1 ≥ 75 000 LUNA
body ShadowBod 1 of 1 ≥ 75 000 LUNA
back Shadow 1 of 1 ≥ 75 000 LUNA

Current Owner terra1ej4cv98e9g2zjefr5auf2nwtq4xl3dm7x0qml58yna2ml2hk595s7gccs9

Real Owner terra18m0c8lev5uyx4kkvtwlvdk5eytmwhyd8hyc7m4