pixeLion #6

prop Empty 1 of 1430 ≥ 105 LUNA
eyes Thug 1 of 130 ≥ 16 000 LUNA
mane Rambow 1 of 172 ≥ 369 LUNA
face Awe 1 of 373 ≥ 105 LUNA
body Cosplay 1 of 228 ≥ 369 LUNA
back Purple 1 of 569 ≥ 360 LUNA

Current Owner terra1qcmnsdfdx8fj2mykmxtk7nk5gd35gsduz4krpx8ga6p9v5x5p6wsc5g06l

Real Owner terra1508kxpkj8j3uvmxc8me9flz3yfhw2zxhky5uz6