AllianceDAO NFT #8814
weather | Comet dust | 1 of 308 | n/a |
light | Minasan Mining light | 1 of 493 | n/a |
inhabitant | Cruthan M | 1 of 521 | n/a |
rarity | 2 | 1 of 463 | n/a |
object | Battle Shovel | 1 of 463 | n/a |
planet | Minas South | 1 of 504 | n/a |
Current Owner terra1c57ur376szdv8rtes6sa9nst4k536dynunksu8tx5zu4z5u3am6qmvqx47
Real Owner terra1hr8zsfpch47qygc96c8e6rzkd2t7mafqx77ulw