Kujira Proposal 383
--- msg: admin: kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7 denom: native: factory/kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7/umnta min_bond: '1000000' unbonding_period: time: 1814400 tokens_per_weight: '1000000' "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.InstantiateContractProposal" admin: kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7 funds: [] label: MantaDAO CW4 title: MantaDAO - Instantiate CW4 Staking Contract run_as: kujira1643jxg8wasy5cfcn7xm8rd742yeazcksqlg4d7 code_id: '116' description: The initial step towards launch of MantaDAO on Kujira. The CW4 staking contract allows users to stake their MNTA within the DAO.
page last updated 2024-11-24 02:28:27 UTC