Kujira Proposal 208
--- msg: deposit: denom: factory/kujira1qk00h5atutpsv900x202pxx42npjr9thg58dnqpa72f2p7m2luase444a7/uusk amount: '10000000' threshold: absolute_count: weight: 6 group_addr: kujira1wfva7yj3mq2pqg9y2edxvrswhvtutu6cf4ja8lkwe4rxycxendzsn0xz9m max_voting_period: time: 1209600 "@type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.InstantiateContractProposal" admin: kujira1ghmq7k50rwpsnye39aefngd2k7x9kc2hrqq5xd funds: [] label: 'Senate: CW3 Multisig' title: Create Senate CW3 Multisig Contract run_as: kujira1ghmq7k50rwpsnye39aefngd2k7x9kc2hrqq5xd code_id: '83' description: This will instantiate the CW3 Multisig contract for the Kujira Senate. Source for this contract is available [here](https://github.com/Team-Kujira/senate/tree/main/contracts/cw3-flex-multisig). This contract will hold the Senate funds, manage proposals, votes, and execute the result of the proposals with the funds available. The threshold is set such that a minimum of 6 members of the CW4 Group contract must vote yes for a proposal to pass. The max voting period is set to two weeks (in seconds), however proposals can be executed as soon sa the threshold has been met. There is also a nominal 10USK deposit in order to limit spam proposals.
page last updated 2024-11-24 02:35:19 UTC