Kujira Proposal 186

No with Veto
"@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal"
title: 'Senate candidate: TOGWOS (KUJIKAST)'
description: "\nTOGWOS (KUJIKAST) is running for a position on the new Kujira Senate.
  Use this proposal as an opportunity to signal whether you'd like to see them as
  a member of The Senate, or not.\n\nThe final Senate will be made up of no more than
  9 members, however you should vote for as many or as few\ncandidates as you'd like
  to see represent the comminity. The top 9 by total yes votes will instantiate the
  first version of The Senate.\n\n## Bio\n\nCreator. Visionary. Dreamweaver… Kuji
  Kast.\n\n## Related Experience\n\nBefore my Web3 journey, I graduated from UCL with
  a degree in Ancient History. They had a Senate back then. The first one ever. Which
  I studied. So in a way, my experience goes back as far as possible… Pre-crypto I
  worked as an actor, comedian, and filmmaker, and during this time I was involved
  in securing finance for a television pilot. I also worked for a conference company
  for 5+ years and would converse with companies to bring them to events at varying
  rates on various packages depending on their needs (group attendance, sponsorship
  etc). I would also assist startups in arranging meetings with Private Investors
  and Family Offices. I have also been a part of Kujira since pre-IDO. I have consistently
  been a believer and supporter and this led to the creation of Kuji Kast early this
  year. As part of making the show, I follow all the happenings of Kujira on a daily
  basis as well as speaking closely with each protocol that either has or is planning
  to launch.    \n\n## Personal Statement\n\nI believe very strongly in what Kujira
  is doing and have the strongest desire to see it grow. Having spoken directly with
  each protocol and forged strong relationships with them I have gained strong insight
  into who they are, what they require, and what they intend to achieve. I plan to
  continue to do this with each emerging project. I believe I will add a different
  element to the Senate; I see protocols and the people within them as essentially
  assets. For Kujira to be special we need to attract the best; I feel sometimes we
  as a community can be critical of newcomers (as we need to be) but also I see a
  need to balance this and ensure we create a welcoming environment where the best
  people want to be. A vote for me is a vote for love  \n        "
page last updated 2024-09-08 02:51:01 UTC