Kujira Proposal 182

No with Veto
"@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal"
title: 'Senate candidate: SHERZOD MUTALOV'
description: "\nSHERZOD MUTALOV is running for a position on the new Kujira Senate.
  Use this proposal as an opportunity to signal whether you'd like to see them as
  a member of The Senate, or not.\n\nThe final Senate will be made up of no more than
  9 members, however you should vote for as many or as few\ncandidates as you'd like
  to see represent the comminity. The top 9 by total yes votes will instantiate the
  first version of The Senate.\n\n## Bio\n\nI am a software developer from Uzbekistan.
  Married. I really like C#, I prefer it from Go, but currently I write in both languages.\n\n##
  Related Experience\n\nI have a no experience in participating in DAOs\n\n## Personal
  Statement\n\nI would like to give my 2 cents in anything. Also I would like to get
  experience in DAOs. I think DAOs is a core to better future — Communism *here plays
  USSR anthem*\n        "
page last updated 2024-10-18 05:31:41 UTC