Kujira Proposal 178

No with Veto
"@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal"
title: 'Senate candidate: PFC'
description: "\nPFC is running for a position on the new Kujira Senate. Use this proposal
  as an opportunity to signal whether you'd like to see them as a member of The Senate,
  or not.\n\nThe final Senate will be made up of no more than 9 members, however you
  should vote for as many or as few\ncandidates as you'd like to see represent the
  comminity. The top 9 by total yes votes will instantiate the first version of The
  Senate.\n\n## Bio\n\nPFC runs several validators and has been involved in the LUNA
  & Kujira networks for years. Our aim is to represent the interests of the delegator
  in most of the governance we do. Prior to running validators, they have been involved
  in the blockchain space for 5+ years in various forms\n\n## Related Experience\n\nCurrently
  run validators on several networks, held senior roles in major organizations, and
  used to making financial decisions\n\n## Personal Statement\n\nI believe in Kujira,
  and feel I help the chain make a positive impact in this role\n        "
page last updated 2024-09-16 19:17:10 UTC